OMTRA Strategic Plan 2023 – 2028

Strategic Directions

Five Strategic Directions and their accompanying Goals and Actions map our way forward over the next five years until 2028. We believe that together they will inspire and enable our members to succeed in their careers and help build stronger communities across Ontario.

Direction 1:
SUSTAIN: Nurture and Grow
Cultivate a sustainable association dedicated to member success.

Direction 2
LEAD: Govern and Build
Ensure our governance structure is modern, and aligns with our current
and anticipated future needs.

Direction 3
EDUCATE: Develop and Improve
Enrich member learning experiences to help them succeed throughout their careers.

Direction 4
ENGAGE: Connect and Mobilize
Connect with our members in ways that celebrate their success and inspire volunteerism.

Direction 5
CHAMPION: Amplify and Advocate
Grow our profession’s credibility and visibility with municipalities, the provincial government, media, and other OMTRA stakeholders.

As we progress through the Strategic Plan implementation we will hi-lite projects moving the Association toward the achievement of each of our goals.

19. OMTRA-Strategic Plan (Members)